Want to get on stream at worlds under 24?
We don't have control over who gets the stream, but we're making adverts you can be in!
Our favourite Canadian made this ridiculous video as an example to encourage you to be creative too.
With World U24’s coming up, we want to encourage the global viewership to watch the European Ultimate Championships too. We will be running adverts for the European Ultimate Championships at the WU24’s live coverage and would love a global outreach.
What can you do?
See our script below… follow it to a tee, or improvise and make it your own. Have fun with it, be creative, let some of your cultural stereotypes shine.
You might make it into the final commercial, you’ll definitely add to the campaign.
Do it in English, or in your native tongue… play two roles solo, or find a friend.
Have fun… even if the editing is not your jam… just send it in Raw, and our team (Milan) will try to whip it up real nice.
What we can’t promise is for you get in the full advert, but we’ll air it on our channel if it’s good as a promo.
Here's the SCRIPT for you:
Person A - Want to do something (in your culturally stereotypical way) with me
Person B - Can’t do,
Person A - Why not? Because of (culturally stereotypical duties)
Person B - No, because of [Euros on free to watch ULTI.TV], do you want to join?
Person A - Yes, we could do (culturally stereotypical things) while watching
Person B - Great. culturally stereotypical word (positive)
Person A - Culturally stereotypical word (see you soon)
Info and links
Hard deadline of June 19th, so get recording this weekend!
Here's the Dropbox to upload the videos
More info on Euros
More info worlds u24